Thursday, December 11, 2008


Yesterday morning, while I was driving to work, this strange white stuff was floating down from the sky! I wondered aloud, "what can this be? I live in Texas!" I filtered through my mind, back to when I was a child, for the answer. Images of precipitation and seasons came to my mind. "It must be SNOW!" Yessireebob! Snow was coming down in huge white beautiful flakes. The world is so pretty when it snows. However, Texans are notorious for not having any 'earthly clue' on how to drive in bad weather. Now, I have, as previously posted, 50 minutes of time allowed to drive to work, rain, shin, sleet or snow. It thoroughly irritates me to have to be behind Grandpa Billy Bob Joe when I am in a hurry. I was thrilled with the snow though. Sorry, didn't get pics. I am sure it will snow again. It also reminds me to say.........MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I think it is most interesting, don't you? I have some news.......

1) I have been invited to become a member of the leadership team at work.

2) I had to get up on my day off and drive in to work for a meeting EARLY!

3) I didn't get to sleep in after working for 3 days in a row

4) I pretty much remember most conversations that happen when I am woken up

5) One of my kids tried to trick me today regarding #4, asking what the convo was about......ha ha ha, I remembered!

6) #5 didn't work, he he he

I am excited to be part of the leadership team. I was specifically asked to be part of this. I have only worked here for not quite 18 months. I feel valued as an employee and listened to regarding my ideas. This does however mean I will be doing extra things, some of which I am already doing! It is a wonderful thing to be able to further my career where I have very much enjoyed working.

Random photo of one of my angels! Isn't she gorgeous? Thanks Linda for the pic!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


I know I should be the very last to gripe............but am striving to do better. Please y'all..........update!

Love ya!


I don't know how many of you have loads and mounds of paperwork in your house. What I mean is papers that require work to get rid of them. I am not just talking about junk mail, everyone has that! I am talking paper bills and the lot. The problem with ebill, in my honest opinion, is we already have tons, TONS of spam in our inbox. I worry that we will just delete those pesky little ebills. I may have to open an email account just for the ebills cause we cannot find all the bills that are sent to us in the mail. For those of you who KNOW me, I am not very organized. Shocking! I know. Ha ha ha ha ha ha..........

I need a secretary, shredder and a million dollars in unmarked bills. Right?
