I was working today. The weather outside was so beautiful. There was a nice brisk breeze. The sun was shining. Birds were singing. Skies were blue and clouds were white. Why was I indoors? Because. I work. I work because I love what I do. Say it with me, "I love what I do." I am one of those rare people who actually enjoy working. I don't always enjoy working, don't get me wrong. I just am very happy with what I am doing. I make a difference. I am good at what I do. I rock!!
I was able to talk to a dear friend of mine today. He is funny, hilarious. He had something on his mind. I am not privy to that something. He chose not to divulge. Now, I am one nosy person. I love to question the heck out of something. I need to know everything. I just do, don't ask. I was one of those annoying kids who always asked the question, "why?" "But how come?" I know now I am paying for that as a kid. Curious people amuse me. I amuse myself. What a strange concept.
I must depart! Toodaloo! Isn't that just beautiful? Gotta love mother nature in all her glory!
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